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yari hesar A, imani B, sarani S. The effects of Covid-19 on the lifestyle of border villagers of Sistan. Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental Hazards 2023; 10 (1) :57-70
URL: http://jsaeh.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3355-en.html
1- , arastooyari@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1499 Views)
1. Introduction
The geographical study of the corona virus shows that this virus is like the global cholera disease, whose first homeland was Wuhan (the vast capital of central China's Hubei province) and then it was transferred to other countries. The spread of this virus in a very short period of time has become one of the biggest international challenges after World War II, and examining the economic consequences of the spread of this disease is also very important and necessary for policy making.The Covid-19 virus has been able to change the lifestyle of people in different societies, and people finally changed their activities accordingly (Werf et al, 2021); (Staton et al, 2021) The visual and to some extent auditory consumption pattern has had a special place in the lifestyle of Iranians during the Covid-19 virus (Trabels, 2020). During the days of quarantine, social networks became very popular. People could not visit their family or friends and many of them kept in touch with each other using virtual networks. In fact, the spread of the corona virus has led to the further development of online social life. . Individual isolation and quarantine and the increase in consumption and tendency towards virtual and video entertainment media have intensified in this era (Staton & et al, 2021).

2. Methodology
Leading research is applied in terms of purpose and based on descriptive-analytical nature. The method of collecting data to answer the research questions was library and questionnaire. The tool used in the survey method was a questionnaire. Face validity has been used to determine the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, and the face validity of the research tool was confirmed using the opinions of professors (fifteen people) in the field of rural development and experts in the field of health (ten people).

3. Results
The statistical description of the characteristics of the sample in terms of gender showed that there were 302 men (83.4%) and 60 (16.6%) of them were women. Also, 56.9% of participants were married. The number of 146 people from the studied sample was between 41 and 50 years old, and the highest frequency was 40.3%.

4. Discussion
To evaluate the effects of covid-19 on the lifestyle of the border villagers of Zabol city compared to before and after the disease outbreak, first one-sample T-test was used. The above test was performed at the 95% confidence level. In this regard, according to the 6-spectrum of the items (not at all = 0, very much = 5), the measurement and analysis of the indicators was evaluated at an average level (average 3). The results showed that lifestyles in media-oriented, community-oriented and livelihood indicators were below average before the outbreak of the Covid-19 disease, and after the outbreak of the disease, they were above average. In the health-oriented index of style status. Before the outbreak of the disease, life was below average and after that it was in an almost average state. In the leisure-oriented index, the life style before the outbreak of the disease was in an almost average state and after that it was in an above average state, and in the culture index The axis of lifestyle status changed after the outbreak of the Covid-19 disease and was in a higher than average status. To investigate the existence of differences between lifestyle indicators among the border villagers of Zabol city, before and after the outbreak of the Covid-19 disease, the paired or dependent t-test was used at the 95% confidence or significance level.

5. Conclusion
Limiting communication and face-to-face interactions of people with each other, closing down gatherings, improving the level of personal and public hygiene such as frequent hand washing, using masks and sanitary gloves, maintaining distance from others and observing other protocols. health services, reforming the society's consumption pattern, improving social capital and increasing the level of empathy and social harmony and paying more attention to the lower classes of society, changing the type of entertainment, closing religious centers and holy places, modern social life in the context of virtual space and improving the level media literacy, reduction of air and ground travel traffic, internet shopping and sales, more convergence of family members, The growth of the culture of reading books, watching more series and movies, moving sports from group type to individual type, reducing fashion trends, holding distance education courses and many other such things, many changes. has created in the lifestyle of people. Of course, these changes are relative and are not the same in all societies and for all social strata, and not everyone has been equally affected by these changes.

Keywords: Corona, lifestyle, community-oriented, subsistence

Keywords: Corona, lifestyle, Sistan
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/01/8 | Accepted: 2023/05/27 | Published: 2023/10/7

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