khaleghi S, hosseinzadeh M M, fatolah atikandi P. Simulation of Kaleibar Chai River Changes Using CAESAR Model. Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental Hazards 2021; 8 (2) :165-178
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Abstract: (5094 Views)
River channel changes, bank erosion and sedimentation are the natural processes of the alluvial rivers that destroy the agricultural land and damage to human installations around the river. In the present study, the CAESAR model was used to assess the changes of the Kaleibar Chai River in order to measure the variation of 3 km of its main channel.CAESAR is a cellular automata model for river system evolution. CAESAR is a cellular model that uses a regular mesh of grid cells to represent the river catchment studied. Every cell has properties of elevation, water discharge and depth, vegetation cover, depth to bedrock and grain size. It is based upon the cellular automaton concept, whereby the repeated iteration of a series of rules on each of these cells determines the behaviour of the whole system. CAESAR has a set of rules for a hydrological model, hydraulic model (flow routing), fluvial erosion and deposition and slope erosion and deposition. For every model iteration, cell properties (e.g. elevation) are updated according to the rules, and the interaction between an individual cell and its neighbours. For example, the amount of fluvial erosion in a cell may depend upon the depth of water in the cell and the slope between that cell and its neighbours.
For modeling, the input data such as topography (DEM), daily discharge (year 2012) and sediment grain size were prepared and then channel modifications were simulated. Channel changes were identified before and after the simulation by plotting profiles of each cross-sections and were analyzed sensitive to erosion and sedimentation.Six cross-sections were selected before and after simulation. Results showed that the channel geometry has changed. The width and depth and form of the channel have changed. And only the mean depth of the channels was changed in sections 1, 2, 6 and 4. The erosion was dominated in the cross- sections 1, 2, and 3 (the initial part of the main channel). Then the sedimentation was dominated in the cross- sections 4, 5 and 6.
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2019/08/20 | Accepted: 2021/05/8 | Published: 2021/10/3