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Rafiee G, Maleki A, Shahbazi Y, Molaei A. Identifying environmental factors influencing biological crises Research sample: Tabriz metropolis. Journal of Spatial Analysis Environmental Hazards 2024; 11 (3)
URL: http://jsaeh.khu.ac.ir/article-1-3455-en.html
1- Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tabriz University of Islamic Arts, Tabriz, Iran.
2- Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tabriz University of Islamic Arts, Tabriz, Iran. , a.maleki@tabriziau.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1301 Views)
Natural biological crises are a constant threat to human societies; Therefore, it is considered important to be prepared to control and prevent such disasters. In dealing with such urban crises, addressing the category of non-pharmacological interventions against infectious diseases can be a way forward. Therefore, the aim of the current research is to find the main effective indicators in the epidemic and to explain the environmental components resulting from the interaction and correlation of the relevant measurable indicators at the locality level based on previous environmental studies.
 In this research, in order to obtain a community of opinion about effective indicators in epidemiological crises, a systematic search was first conducted using the keyword of pandemic resilience. For this purpose, several widely used databases such as Web of Science, Scopus and Elsevier were searched between 2013 and 2023. After checking the quality of the conducted researches, 42 indicators were selected. Further, in order to find out the underlying variables and identify the basic factors or criteria in order to explain the correlation pattern between the observed variables, the exploratory factor analysis method was used and SPSS version 26 software was used to analyze the data. Data from 118 Tabriz neighborhoods were used for exploratory factor analysis. After collecting the data, the process of change, standardization has been done to prepare the data and convert the raw data into percentage, growth rate, average and ratio. Then, the status of urban resilience components against epidemic diseases was calculated and normalized separately based on factor load for each neighborhood. Finally, the results were illustrated using Arc GIS software.
 The findings of the research indicate that 42 indicators affecting the spread of epidemic diseases at the level of localities can be re-categorized into 8 components of accumulation, diversity and design, social factors, density, economic factors, health infrastructure, environmental pollution and green spaces. Also, based on the findings, it can be said that the condition of most of the components in the neighborhoods of Tabriz city is at an average level.
 Based on the results, the effects of environmental factors on the transmission of Covid-19 are differentiated spatially. These components represent more than 82% of the changes in effective environmental factors.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/08/5 | Accepted: 2024/12/28 | Published: 2024/12/28

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